Novo Webinar - Life2021| 11 de Março | ERA-EDTA registry - Focus ERA-CODA study: Overview, first results and what we can learn from different approaches on COVID-19
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Novo Webinar - Life2021| 11 de Março | ERA-EDTA registry - Focus ERA-CODA study: Overview, first results and what we can learn from different approaches on COVID-19
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| Europe
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No próximo dia 11 de Março pelas pela 16:00 H (hora local) irá ter lugar mais um webinar do Life2021 da Fresenius Medical Care.
Webinar #11 – March 11th, 2021 – 16:00 H – Dr. Kitty Jager and Dr. Raphaël Duivenvoorden
Tópico: ERA-EDTA registry - Focus ERA-CODA study: Overview, first results and what we can learn from different approaches on COVID-19
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